Wonderful news for Sagittarius Eye’s employees: twenty-four tonnes of Kongga Ale have been delivered to The Print Works, our new asteroid-based headquarters in the Millese system.

Commander Kron Twelve, a representative of the Southern Cross High Guard, personally delivered the aforementioned spirits on 14th of June, 3305. “Having made sure it got to the fellows and fellowesses doing the real work, this delivery did not come to the attention of management.” said Kron. That is clearly an incorrect statement, considering this reporter got the tip from not only one but two members of the SAGi managerial team Cmdr Souvarine and Cmdr Zack J White, whose exact words were, if my post-konggian memory serves me right, along the lines of “Aaaaaaaaaale! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale!”.

And now, for something completely serious, here is a picture Cmdr Kron took during his visit.

In a more formal communication, Cmdr Kron Twelve said that “A tradition in the building industry down under is for there to be a shout when the roof goes on. In the spirit of mateship the commanders of the Southern Cross High Guard donated 24 tonnes of Kongga Ale for the workers, not long after the new print works started construction.“ 

We thank you for such a generous donation, and we will now attempt to get back to work.


Sagittarius Eye Breaking News team

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