
Powerplay Report – Cycle 244

Dictator Yuri Grom successfully emerged from turmoil and retained all his systems. The turmoil as a whole has been a mixed experience for him; shedding some unprofitable systems, returning a lot of contested income to other powers and opening up avenues for them to expand into. However, Grom is now…
Sagittarius Eye
February 5, 3306

Front lines report

These are the latest developments in the Thargoid invasion.   Last week the Thargoids targeted three systems for their attacks; Wellington in The Witch Head Nebula, Electra and Pleiades Sector DL-Y D65. All three systems had stations attacked and AX conflict zones appeared. Thanks to the efforts of anti-xeno commanders…
Sagittarius Eye
January 31, 3306

Powerplay Report – Cycle 243

Two powers remained in turmoil from last cycle, losing all the systems that had been threatening to revolt, and had a few more systems enter turmoil. However, their situations were very different.   Dictator Yuri Grom lost twelve systems, ranging in profitability from LTT 9795 making 24 Command Capital (CC)…
Sagittarius Eye
January 28, 3306

Sidewinder solos Medusa Thargoid

On the 7th of January, 3306, Commander Maligno pulled off the daring feat of taking down a Medusa class Thargoid Interceptor solo in a Sidewinder. This impressive task was the first ever solo of a greater-class Thargoid, albeit done planetside, thus no Thargon swarms were deployed.   The fight itself…
Sagittarius Eye
January 26, 3306

Thargoids Return!

In an event that has caused alarm throughout human space, reports of Thargoids returning in the newly-won Witch Head enclave have been confirmed.  Casualties in these systems have been significant, and several key assets are left severely damaged in their wake. Local authorities have appealed to the galactic community for…
Sagittarius Eye
January 25, 3306

Powerplay Report – Cycle 242

Cycle 241 marked a significant change in the world of PowerPlay. Over the past few years, a large number of systems had used the significant bureaucratic inertia inherent in the Galactic Powers to leverage more Command Capital (CC) than their system populations merited. Other systems were able to avoid responsibilities,…
Sagittarius Eye
January 22, 3306

Front lines report

These are the latest developments in the Thargoid invasion.   Last week, the Thargoids launched a surprise attack in the Pleiades and Witch Head Nebula, damaging starports in several systems. This Incursion was beaten back quickly, with the first two systems being cleared within a day, and the rest in…
Sagittarius Eye
January 17, 3306

Powerplay Report – Cycle 241

Shadow President Felicia Winters is making an effort to reclaim territory lost at the end of her turmoil in cycle 235. Four systems were prepared with 62,000 down to 50,000 merits each by the end of the previous cycle; two being profitable and two weaponised against Imperial Powers. The consolidation…
Sagittarius Eye
January 11, 3306

Front lines report

These are the latest developments in the Thargoid invasion.   For six months, since the attack on Professor Palin’s old base in Maia, the Thargoid war front has been deathly silent, with no signs of Infestation or Incursion. This changed yesterday with the sudden attack on six systems across the…
Sagittarius Eye
January 10, 3306

Powerplay Report – Cycle 240

Dictator Yuri Grom’s unprofitable expansion to LTT 9810 failed, as his domain fell into a shallow turmoil. The expansion would have cost 59 Command Capital (CC) at maximum overheads and contested Grom’s Imperial allies Torval and Aisling for 28 and 20 CC respectively. Only one system has been put at…
Sagittarius Eye
January 6, 3306

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Sagittarius Eye is the monthly online magazine and podcast for Elite Dangerous. We are your source for commentary, analysis, news and entertainment in the Milky Way – by commanders, for commanders.

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